How can I make 1000$ per day online?

Making $1,000 per day is easy if you know what you’re doing…
This is equivalent to $30,000 per month, which translates to $360,000 per year. That’s more than the annual income of most senior Fortune 500 company executives. With that kind of income, you can live and travel almost anywhere in the world.
Let’s look at the annual income of top income earners who earn about $360,000 a year:
MBA grads who join Wall Street firms such as JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs at the standard $150,000 base salary and $30,000 sign-on bonus at age 29-30. If they can last through the treacherous ups and downs of the markets, the multiple rounds of layoffs every year, the intense pressure of 60-80 hour work weeks, not to mention all the internal political wranglings, they can earn close to $360,000 a year by the time they are 35 year old second year Vice Presidents.
Google software engineers from CalTech can earn close to $360,000 a year.
Cardiologists - By the time a Cardiologist is 35 years old he/she can earn close to $360,000 a year, after 11 years of post high school education and 3 years of residency work at $60,000 a year. If he’s lucky, he/she could earn close to $1 million dollars by the time he/she is 45.
Radiologists - can earn the same kind of income as Cardiologists.
Public School Administrators: University football coaches earn an average salary of $450,000 a year or more.
Politicians: In September 1999, President Clinton signed legislation that increased the presidential salary to $400,000, effective January 2001. This presidential pay raise was the first since 1969, when the president’s salary was raised from $100,000 to $200,000.
Publishers/Bloggers: Bloggers making over $400,000 a year are everywhere, but you probably didn’t know it. Here are some top bloggers who earn that kind of money:
Darren Rowse (Pro Blogger)
Michael Arrington (Tech Crunch)
Pete Cashmore (Mashable)
John Chow (John Chow)
J. Shoemoney (Shoemoney),
Perez Hilton (Perez Hilton)
Ben Huh (Cheezeburger Network)
Peter Rojas (Gizmodo)
Leo Babauta (Zen Habits)
This is a very short list by any standard. Thousands, maybe millions other bloggers across the world are also earning good income. Blogging is certainly one the top income earners but it takes a lot of time and a great deal of effort before you can start earning good money.But let me shock you.
An average Joe like you and me, without any college degree or formal education, who is well experienced in online marketing can actually earn $1,000,000 dollars a year. In fact, most top online marketers who earn over $1,000,000 a year are not even smarter than you.
If I handed you on a silver platter, a system that will teach you step by step, how to make $1,000 per day, you probably wont know what to do with it.
You see, by nature, humans are not wired for money. They’d prefer taking a short-cut than learn with patience, a proven system to make money online. This explains why most people buy get-rich-quick-schemes, MLMs and internet scams.
It’s shocking how many people prefer to put in more work and effort towards making someone else rich instead of putting in more work and investing for themselves.
If you want to make good money online, you should commit to lifelong learning. More importantly, you should change your mindset from an employee mindset to an entrepreneurial mindset.
Then you must shift your thinking from working for money to solving people’s problems. You must think in terms of deploying systems that solve people’s problems 24/7. This is how to succeed online and offline.
Armed with a proper mindset committed to lifelong learning and a proper set of skills and tools, you will not only succeed in online marketing but also earn a decent income online.
When it comes to making money online, there are two types of income you can earn:
  1. Active income (Any income earned with your active participation)
  2. Passive income (Any income earned without your active participation)
Active income is income you earn when you actively participate in delivering a service, doing a job, freelancing work, delivering physical goods, etc. If you don’t perform you don’t get paid. Most people are comfortable with Active income, but this is not what I would recommend.
Passive income is income you earn indirectly without your full participation. Passive income is by far the best form of income as it frees your time so that you can focus on more important (and profitable) matters like developing systems, growing your business, financial freedom and your family.
The main feature of Passive income is that you build a system once and it makes money for you perpetually with your minimum participation.
Making money online is a straight-forward affair.
Unfortunately, only a bunch of people (1%) make any money online while another 0.1% are internet millionaires. The remaining 98.9% either have no clue or make next to nothing.
That leaves people like you and me with a lot of breathing space to make a ton of money online while the rest of the world sleeps.
We don’t want to wake them up do we? In fact, let them sleep…
Meanwhile, the people who make real money on the internet will never reveal the exact methods or systems they use to make money online. You see, these people have invested millions of dollars perfecting their systems which they keep as a closely guarded secret.
But, how exactly do people make money online?
They have discovered a loophole to (legally) STEAL money from the internet.
What if I practically handed you the same system that people just like you, are using to make $1,000 per day online?
If you’re a skeptic I wont blame you.
My sisters, brothers and my friends, were the biggest skeptics I know.
Preferring the convenience of a pensionable salary and a dead-end 9 to 5 job trading their time for money, and a servitude for life making someone else rich, they all dismissed me when I told them I will become an online millionaire.
Today, they speak a different language. They’re too deeply sucked into the vicious cycle of employment in the corporate world. Even if they decided to quit their 9 to 5 job tomorrow, they wouldn’t know where to begin. For them, it’s already too late.
Opportunities on the internet never cease to exist.
You can actually earn $300 dollars in the next 24 hours with less than 20 minutes of work with 100% FREE traffic, no website, no technical skills, and no email list.
You can then scale it to make upwards of $1,000 per day.
But don’t take my word for it. Why don’t you try it for yourself? You could even begin to make money tonight…
You know what?
You will never make any financial progress without taking risk.
(I think the price had dropped to nearly $0 the last time I checked, but don’t expect it to remain the same).


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